Consumer Credit Court Claims - Do you need a Lawyer ?

One of the busiest sections on the LegalBeagles forum is the 'Received a Court Claim?' section. The vast majority of the claims are for Consumer Credit Debt.
90% of Court Claims go undefended.
If you have received a claim you can often deal with it yourself. The LegalBeagles forum offers you a great support network. You will need to register to post but this is free and simple.
If you do decide you need formal legal help, solicitors firms offer a range of Fixed Fees are available in the following areas;
- Small Claims Court
- First Appointment or Advice
- Applying for Judgment
- Advice on stages of small claim
- Witness Statements
- Representation at Hearing
- Defending a Claim
- Consumer Credit Act Issues
- Directions Questionnaire
- Particulars of Claim
- Bringing a Claim (under £10k)
- Fast / Multitrack Court Claims
Getting the most out of your meeting with a solicitor
If you’re seeking advice from a solicitor, it’s always sensible to do some preparation ahead of any meeting. Think carefully about the details of your case - the more preparation you do before the meeting, the more you'll get out of it. Make a list of the main points you want to make or the questions you want to ask. Gather any paperwork that might be relevant and put it in some kind of order so you can refer to it quickly. This will make it quicker and easier for your solicitor to understand your circumstances and give you proper advice.